Friday, March 8, 2013

Violence Against Woman Act

I found this article Violence Against Woman Act on Talking Points Memo. The Article was written by Shali Kapur. The author’s audiences are for men and woman to recognize the act against woman violence. The audience are also for those who have someone in their life that have experience it, people who are against it, and woman who are in the same situation. The author claims that some of the republicans are simply just saying they are for the VAWA but instead vote against it. The author is also saying that the republicans are giving the people the illusion of choosing the right side but instead “[preserving their credibility with conservative groups who vowed to punished those who voted for VAWA]”.  The claim that the author gives are about Republican Steve King who is a stated that he supported the bill because he understood the importance of reauthorizing VAWA. He quotes “[I supported this legislation because I know how important it is to empower woman in difficult situations.]”  The author evidence was how King didn’t mention he voted against House passage of VAWA but instead voted for a Republican substitute, which didn't go through. The author also claimed another Republican named Vicky Hartzler who voted for GOP( Grand Old Party) version but not VAWA but still took credit.  Hartzler said “ I am pleased to support efforts to protect all woman in this country from domestic abuse and other form of violence. Violence against woman, in all its forms, is unacceptable”. The author claimed even though the questionable Republicans are being recognized, there are more republicans that are going the same footsteps as Republican Steve King and Republican Vicky Hartzler. In my opinion, I do believe the republicans are taking more credit than they should be. They believe that if they are going to vote for a GOP alternative, it is like voting for the Violence Against Woman Act.  I believe congress today would not recognized that VAWA is a more effective act but instead go for something less effective just for the sake of their own reputation. 

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