Monday, April 1, 2013

Ark. Houses override veto on Photo Id Bill

The article written by Andrew Demillo on Yahoo News is about how Arkansas house want to override Democrat Mike Beebe for requiring voters to have a photo id before casting a ballot.  The new law says that  Arkansas will have to provide a Id for those who do not have an Id, costing the state at least 300,000. This law wont be taken in effect until January. The reason why Arkansas wanted to have this law is just in case of a possible voter fraud. The article says that " if a voter doesn't show identification,  poll workers indicate so on the precinct other registration list and the county election board can send information to prosecutors." The bill will allows people who do not have a photo id to have cast provisional ballots but won't be counted if they don't provide an id to the county election officials or, before noon on Monday of the election. If you are indigent or have religious objectives to be photographed, you can sign an affidavit. There have already been at least 19 other states who want to enact a voter photo Id law.  Georgia, Indiana, Kansas and Tennessee all already have similar strict photo Id requirements laws in effect. Virginia will also be having a strict photo id for voters in effect on January 2014, which was signed by Gov. Bon Mcdonnel. Some other people feel as though this would measure  out or " disenfranchise" citizen, minorities, and the poor. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas says its "unconstitutional." The bill exempts voter who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.